The dependence of resonant tunneling transmission coefficient on well width and barriers number of GaN/Al0.3Ga0.7N nanostructured system
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A numerical computation for determination transmission coefficient and resonant tunneling energies of multibarriers heterostructure has been investigated. Also, we have considered GaN/Al0.3Ga0.7N superlattice system to estimate the probability of resonance at specific energy values, which are less than the potential barrier height. The transmission coefficient is determined by using the transfer matrix method and accordingly the resonant energies are obtained from the T(E) relation. The effects of both well width and number of barriers (N) are observed and discussed. The numbers of resonant tunneling peaks are generally increasing and they become sharper with the increasing of N. The resonant tunneling levels are shifted inside the well by increasing the well width and vice versa. These features and the transmission coefficient as a function of incident energetic particles play an important role in fabrication of high speed devices and a good factor for determination the peak-to-valley ratio of resonant tunneling devices respectively.
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