Double-blind review is the reviewing system followed in the Iraqi Journal of Physics. All the steps of reviewing are fully electronic. The reviewers have to read the criteria for judging a submission's suitability for publication in the journal, which may include instructions for preparing an effective and helpful review. Reviewers will have an opportunity to provide comments intended for the author and editors as well as separate comments for the editor only.
Reviewers will be asked to comply with the competing interests disclosure policy.

Reviewer Instructions

The Iraqi Journal of Physics appreciates your contribution in the review of this manuscript. Before you start, please get familiar with our Policies and Ethics.

As you have accepted an invitation to review an article submitted to you by the Iraqi Journal of Physics, please start the review process as soon as possible. In the following are some guidelines to help you complete the review process.

  1. With the invitation letter to review an article, you must have received the abstract of the article submitted so that you can decide if you accept or reject the invitation.
  2. Please provide your review report within the time determined by Iraqi Journal of Physics (dead line). If you are not able to meet the dead line, please contact the Editor or the editorial office.
  3. After completing your review, you will be requested to fill in the review form.
  4. If you have further comments or recommendations for revisions, please write them in a separate file. It is preferred to number the comments and specify the location of each revision in terms of the page number and line number. Then uploaded as a PDF file in the specific location on the website of the journal.
  5. Since the review process in the Iraqi Journal of Physics is double-blind. So, you should not include your name and affiliation in the review report.
  6. Since the author will receive a copy of these comments, the evaluation of the manuscript is most helpful for the identification of the work’s strengths or weaknesses. Please be as specific as possible and indicate why an article is unacceptable and what is required to make it acceptable.
  7. Please include any confidential comments you want to send to the editor in the specific location in the review form.
  8. After the upload, the file of comments, select your decision from the drop list of recommendations.
  9. Submit the review.
  10. Once the report was submitted, it could not be changed anymore.

We greatly appreciate your efforts and time, which not only assisted us in taking our decision but also enabled the author(s) to disseminate their work at the highest possible quality. Without the contribution of reviewers like you, it would be impossible to manage an efficient peer review process and maintain the high standards necessary for a successful journal.