Publishing Instructions:

Note: Please use our paper template format file by clicking on the article template.

Do not submit before checking. You stick to the journal guidelines before submitting and fix the title of the file you are submitting as a text file or the short title of the manuscript; otherwise, the journal will reject the submission or ignore it.

  1. Manuscript Template
  • The manuscript should be written in English only.
  • An English and Arabic abstract (150 to 250 words) should be provided with the Arabic author's names and affiliations.
  • Prepare text using MS Word 2010 (or later).
  • Paper size: A4, the margins should be 0.79” in all directions (top, down, right, lift). The submitted manuscript has only one column.
  • Font type: Times New Roman.
  • Title: pt 14, bold, centred.
  • Authors’ Names: pt 12, bold, centred.
  • Authors' Affiliation: pt 10, Italic.
  • Emails and ORCID should be provided for all authors.
  • The manuscript’s main titles (abstract, introduction, materials and methods, results and discussion, conclusion, references): pt 13, bold, numbered.
  • The abstract, keywords (five keywords), and article information should be written in a 2*2 hidden table.
  • - Manuscript text: pt 12.
  • Subtitles: pt 12, bold, numbered.
  • The full word "Figure" is used as a heading under the shape or what it represents. The word “Fig.” is used anywhere in the text.
  • Tables and shapes are placed in the results in the sequence mentioned, not at the end of the manuscript.
  •  All numbers are written in the Arabic numeral system (e.g., 1, 2, 3, ...)
  • The manuscript text alignment should be justified.
  • Line and paragraph spacing should be 1.0.
  1. Writing References
  • References are numbered and cited as they appear in the text using superscripts ex, for example (a description regarding reference 1 or a description regarding references 1-4). References are numbered in sequential order in the text, table, or figure. Put the superscript Arabic numerals to cite the reference; for example, number one refers to the first reference used in a written manuscript and is listed as the first reference in the reference list at the end of the manuscript.
  • References are written only in English with Vancouver Citing & Referencing.
  • 50% of references are recent and are within the last 5 years.
  • The heading of the references section must not be numbered.
  • The references are at least 25 and are written according to the Journal's style:
  • All reference items must be in 10 pt font.
  • Please use regular and italic styles to distinguish different fields.
  • DOI for each reference must be included.
  • Number the reference items consecutively in square brackets.
  • When referring to a reference item, please use the reference number, as in [2].
  • Do not use “Ref. [3]” or “Reference [3]” except at the beginning of a sentence, e.g. “Reference [3] shows …”. 
  • Multiple references (not serial) are each numbered with separate coma (e.g. [2, 3]), while serial one like [1-3].
  • IJP References style (format)


    1. Initial of Author’s first name Author’s Surname, Journal Name (Journal Name in an abbreviated format and italics) Vol. No. (in bold), first page no. Only (Year of publication). DOI


    1. Initial of author’s first name Author’s Surname, Title of the Book (in italics) (Country Name:  Publisher Name) (ed.) (in italics) Initial of editor's first name      Editor’s   Surname     Starting Page No., Year of Publication.



    One author:                 J. M. Jansen, Phys. Rev. B 26, 1 (2020).

    Two authors:               J. M. Jansen and R. Brown, Phys. Rev. B 26, 1 (2021).

    Several authors:          J. M. Jansen, R. Brown, C. Green, D. Jones, and A. Lee, Phys. Rev. B 6, 1 (2004).


    1. M. Smith, Molecular Dynamics (Academic, New York, 1980), Vol. 2, p. 20. [published, use italic title; additional information (Vol., Chap., Sec., p., etc.) as appropriate]
    1. M. Smith, Molecular Dynamics (Academic, New York, in press).

    [in the process of being published, use italic title and the form “in press”]

  • Proceedings

  • M. Smith, in Proceedings of the International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, Madison, 1998, edited by C. Brown (University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1998), p. 201. [published, use italic title; edited form as above]

  • Theses

    M. Jansen, Ph.D. thesis, Michigan state University, 2009.