Effect of Annealing Process on the Morphological, Optical and Electrical Properties of Cu:MnO Films Prepared by PLD Technique
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In this study, Nd:YAG laser pulses with a wavelength of 1064 nm, a power of 500 mJ, a pulse width of 9 ns, and a repetition frequency of 6 Hz were used to hit a manganese oxide (MnO) target surface 300 times. Pure MnO and copper Cu-doped MnO (Cu:MnO) with different amounts of Cu (0.03, 0.05, 0.07, and 0.09 wt%) produced by PLD were studied. Cu:MnO thin films were annealed at 473 K, and their morphological, optical, and electrical characteristics were studied. The results of the atomic force microscopic (AFM) investigation of morphological properties showed that Cu dopant impacted the creation of roughness and particle size in MnO2 films. The optical transmission was examined using a UV-Vis spectrophotometer. The highest optical absorption was noted at 0.09 dopant content. The dielectric constants' real (εr) and imaginary (εi) components, as well as the extinction coefficient (k), refractive index (n), and other optical constants, were studied. At an annealing temperature of (473 K), Hall effect studies demonstrate that all produced films exhibit a P-type conductivity.
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