Elastic electron scattering from some 2s-1d shell nuclei
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The charge density distributions (CDD) and the elastic electron
scattering form factors F(q) of the ground state for some even mass
nuclei in the 2s 1d shell ( Ne Mg Si 20 24 28 , , and S 32 ) nuclei have
been calculated based on the use of occupation numbers of the states
and the single particle wave functions of the harmonic oscillator
potential with size parameters chosen to reproduce the observed root
mean square charge radii for all considered nuclei. It is found that
introducing additional parameters, namely 1 , and , 2 which
reflect the difference of the occupation numbers of the states from
the prediction of the simple shell model leads to a remarkable
agreement between the calculated and experimental results of the
charge density distributions throughout the whole range of r.The
experimental electron scattering form factors for Ne Mg Si 20 24 28 , ,
and S 32 nuclei are in reasonable agreement with the present
calculations throughout all values of momentum transfer q .
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© 2023 The Author(s). Published by College of Science, University of Baghdad. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.