Manuscripts should be submitted by one of the authors through the online manuscript tracking system. Only electronic folders in word format can be submitted through the Iraqi Journal of Physics website. The submitting author takes responsibility for the manuscript during submission and peer-reviewing. The submitted manuscripts must not have been published elsewhere and are only being considered by this journal.
Instructions for publishing in the Iraqi Journal of Physics
For researchers wishing to publish in the Iraqi Journal of Physics, please consider the following points:
1. The manuscript must be electronically uploaded on the journal’s system:
2. The first page of the manuscript includes the following:
a. Title of the manuscript, in English
b. The name of the author(s), according to their role in the research, with their affiliation(s), in English
languages, with an e-mail address (s).
c. Abstract of the manuscript in English, with a total number of words ranging between 150-250 words.
d. Paragraphs a, b, and c are written in Arabic and placed on the last page.
3. Five keywords need to be added after the abstract. We recommend that the keywords be specific to the article yet reasonably common within the subject discipline.
4. Authors must use the Microsoft Word template to prepare their manuscripts. Using the template file will substantially shorten the time to complete copyediting and publication of accepted manuscripts.
Please take the below notes into consideration:
a. The title of the manuscript is in both Arabic and English in a standard font (Times New Roman) with
a size of 14 in bold and single space.
b. Names of authors with the size 11 in bold, while the author(s) affiliation(s) in italic and e-mail are in
the size 10.
c. The manuscript's main text should be written using Times New Roman font with a size of 12, and a single space is required.
5. The manuscript must be written in a single column.
6. All Figures, photos, illustrations, and tables are to be numbered using Arabic numerals cited in the
text in consecutive numerical order, and the caption of each is written with a font size of 12 with
bold and italic. High-resolution and clear images are required.
7. Word's built-in equation editor must be used for the purpose of printing mathematical equations. A space of 6pt is left before and after the equation.
8. - The heading of the References section must not be numbered.
- All reference items must be in 12 pt font.
- Please use Regular and Italic styles to distinguish different fields, as shown in the References section.
- DOI for each reference must be included.
Number the reference items consecutively in square brackets (e.g. 1.). When referring to a reference item, please simply use the reference number, as in [2]. Do not use “Ref. [3]” or “Reference [3]” except at the beginning of a sentence, e.g. “Reference [3] shows …”. Multiple references (not serial) are each numbered with separate coma (e.g. [2, 3]), while serial one like [1-3].
IJP References style (format). The references are arranged as follows:
a. book
Initial of author’s first name, Author’s Surname, Title of the Book (in italics) (Country Name: Publisher Name) (ed.) (in italics) Initial of Editor first name, Editor’s Surname Starting Page No. (Year of publication).
- M. Smith, Molecular Dynamics (Academic, New York, 1980), Vol. 2, p. 20. [published, use italic title; additional information (Vol., Chap., Sec., p., etc.) as appropriate]
M. Smith, in Molecular Dynamics, edited by C. Brown (Academic, New York, 1980). [published, use italic title; for edited works use form “in” and “by”]
- M. Smith, Molecular Dynamics (Academic, New York, in press). [in the process of being published, use italic title and the form “in press”]
b. Journal article example
Initial of Author’s first name Author’s Surname, Journal Name (Journal Name in an abbreviated format and italics) Vol. No. (in bold), Starting page No. (Year of publication).
One author: J. M. Jansen, Phys. Rev. B 26, 1 (2020).
Two authors: J. M. Jansen and R. Brown, Phys. Rev. B 26, 1 (2021).
Several authors: J. M. Jansen, R. Brown, C. Green, D. Jones, and A. Lee, Phys. Rev. B 6, 1 (2004).
c. Proceedings: M. Smith, in
Proceedings of the International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, Madison, 1998, edited by C. Brown (University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1998), p. 201. [published, use italic title; edited form as above].
e. Theses: M. Jansen, Ph.D. thesis, Michigan State University, 2009.
d. 50% of references are recent and are within the last five years.
9. The International System of Units (SI Units) must be used.
10. The corresponding author must fill out the checklist electronically when uploading the manuscript on the journal’s website.
11. In case the plagiarism percentage (less than 20%) is met, the manuscript will be submitted to the reviewers.
12. After the evaluation process is completed and the manuscript is accepted by the reviewers, the researcher is provided with the preliminary acceptance notice. The publishing fees, which amount to (60 $) (85,000 ID), are paid to the journal to complete the manuscript publication requirements.
13. The journal’s editorial secretariat reviews and makes sure that the manuscript meets the conditions of publication in the journal and that it is free of typographical errors (in case of errors, the manuscript is repeated for the purpose of modification).
14. The editor-in-chief of the journal reviews the final version of the manuscript before publishing.
15. The authors have a period of one week to make all the modifications (if any) before the manuscript be suitable for publishing.
16. No modification or change may be made to the manuscript after the final acceptance.
17. Address all correspondence to:
The Secretariat of the editorial board of the Iraqi Journal of Physics
College of Science/University of Baghdad
Al-Jadirya - Baghdad - Iraq